Sex Therapy For Couples
Sexual Focus provides professional sex therapy, couples counselling and relationship counselling.
Promoting strong and healthy communication in all areas of your life.
It is very easy to suggest that individuals and couples take the time to enhance their sexual experiences.
However, very few therapists are able to discuss the strategies that may be involved in facilitating such change.
Couples Counselling
Focuses on bringing you together again, so that you can continue working on and developing the kind of relationship and sexual experiences that leave you feeling connected and happy.
Sex Therapy
We work together to help you remove some of the blocks and barriers that are preventing you from enjoying sex as a couple.
We explore ways of communicating about sex (even if you or your partner are uncomfortable talking about sex or don’t think you should have to talk about it).
We also explore ways of enhancing the way sex is initiated, how you warm up and connect for sex, foreplay and penetration.