This coming Monday, we’re repeating one of our most popular programs: “Sexy End of Summer!” We’re winding down the summer talking about sexual health and the physical impact of weight loss surgery on our sexual lives. We’ll have guest experts answering your anonymous questions, talking about some “touchy” subjects, and of course – giving away plenty of rockin’ sponsored gifts!
Meet our Sexual Health Professional:
Fai Kur MHSc (Sexual Health) BA (Psych)
- Master of Health Science (Sexual Health) from The University of Sydney
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from Edith Cowan University
Fai’s philosophy is that sexuality is a normal, natural and a positive part of being human. Everyone should be able to express their sexuality in a way that is physically healthy, emotionally fulfilling and does not cause harm to others.
Sexual difficulties can make us feel very alone. Some people can feel so fearful, self-conscious or ashamed about their sexual concerns that they can struggle for months or even years without ever discussing or disclosing their thoughts or concerns with anyone, not even their partner.
Many of us will experience layers of distress around our sexuality at some time in our lives, whether they are in response to relational or family problems, health concerns or life stressors. It is no longer necessary to travel that road alone.
Given that our sexuality embodies who we are, it is unfortunate that we receive very little education or instruction in what is considered normal or how to discuss our sexuality with our loved ones.
Sexual Focus provides a forum for sexuality to be explored so we can discover how to develop more intimate, fulfilling, fun and passionate relationships with ourselves and with others.