Sex Therapy Q & A
Sex Therapy Q & A
1 hour Session – $125.00 AUD
2 Hour Sessions – $205.00 AUD
1 hour Session – $105.00 AUD
2 Hour Sessions – $185.00 AUD
You can pay by cash or card on the day.
You can prepay online when creating your booking.
When you pay online through booking system.
Payments will be processed through PAYPAL.
Phone and Online sessions are prepaid.
You can
It is hard to know how many session you will need to attend.
I often find that some people only need to come in once or twice to notice significant changes.
However those who want to create sustainable shifts and changes should consider coming in for six sessions or more sessions.
Evening appointments book out quickly.
I would therefore recommend that you book in between two and four sessions in advance.
I like seeing people every other week, however this will also depend on your availability and mine.
There are no applicable rebates for this service.
You don’t need a referral to make an appointment with Fai.
– Less than 12 hours Notice 100%
– Less than 24 hours Notice 50%
You can use the link in the confirmation email to reschedule or cancel your Sex Therapy session.
You cancel your appointment via SMS or Email
SMS | 0412 147 917
3 Ellice Street
Morley WA 6062
Near North Perth, Dianella, Menora, Mount Lawley, Subiaco, Perth, South Perth, West Perth.