Sure you could go through years of psychotherapy, you might even choose to give up when you or the person you love promise to change, but never does.
It’s easy to judge but changing our behaviours and changing the way that we react to things that piss us off is really hard.
Hypnosis tells your subconscious mind, the part that defends your actions and justifies your reactions to be quiet while it teaches your primal brain, that part of your brain that’s getting triggered that it can calm down because everything is OK.
It helps that part of your brain react differently to the same trigger so that it can eliminate the trigger.
Let’s say you get shitty every time you hear that your mother in law is on the phone. She hasn’t actually done anything wrong yet. She may even be playing nice. Let’s say she’s been trying to be nice for months now but you just can’t seem to forgive her for something that happened years ago.
The problem is that you don’t really care all that much about that past issue but your agro still gets sparked off pretty easily these days especially when she calls. Unfortunately, the way you’re reacting has turned into a major problem and it’s affecting your entire relationship.
How great would it be if listening to some audio and was all that you had to do to change your life. Listening to the hypnosis downloads will rewire the way you react to certain situations. It’s hard to believe that it can work. But it can and when it does, it feels like you can finally breath again.