When I started working I honestly didn’t think that internet porn addiction was a real thing.
I didn’t feel like any of my clients were as deeply affected porn as you might assume that someone would be to call it an addiction.
sexual dysfunction because of porn addiction
When I started working I honestly didn’t think that internet porn addiction was a real thing.
I didn’t feel like any of my clients were as deeply affected porn as you might assume that someone would be to call it an addiction.
The above stories are common and they have the ability to cause much heartache.
They highlight the many sexual beliefs and scripts that people have and how these differences can affect us and our relationships negatively.
I love helping individuals and couples work through these, because I understand that sometimes we need a third party to help us understand the situation a little better and to help us work through them.
Even though porn is a part of these issues, the issues in themselves do not represent a porn addiction problem.
Yep, I myself didn’t really see the problem with watching some porn.
In fact if someone was unable to tap into their erotic thoughts, if they didn’t really know what turned them on, I would sometimes suggest a little porn viewing and I still do.
Porn was starting to affect their sexual functioning significantly and the guys coming in for therapy were getting younger and younger.
I realized that I needed to do some serious research and update my porn addiction knowledge.
I panicked when I realised that internet porn viewing was creating a set of problems that were not being experienced back when people were watching porn on DVD or VHS and when the net was real really slow.
My clients were now telling me that:
I ask my clients when they realized that they had a porn related problem.
Most guys say that they noticed some minor changes in their sexual experiences ages ago, but they had not linked these problems with watching porn.
That actually makes sense to me because. They didn’t think that their sexual problems had anything to do with their internet porn viewing because they didn’t experience these problems when they were watching porn!
If you watch porn and you think that this may be affecting your sex life then come in for a chat.
We can assess the factors that may be influencing your sexual experiences.
We can assess whether or not your porn use is influencing your sexual performance/desire/arousal.
I can help you understand how and why internet use is affecting your sexual performance.