Painful Sex

Female Sexual Pain. Pain During Sex.

What's wrong with me?

Whether we call it Pain During Sex, Female Sexual Pain, Painful Sex, Pelvic Pain, Vulvodynia, Dyspareunia, Vaginismus, the summary is that

It Hurts. It hurts a lot and it feels like it’s not going away or getting any better.

What does it feel like?

It feels like

  • My skin is tearing
  • My skin is burning


  • It hurts on the outside
    • on the inside
    • everywhere
    • deep inside
    • my stomach cramps


  • It hurts sometimes
    • It always hurts
    • It hurts after sex
    • You can have sex but it hurts
    • It feels like there is a brick wall at the entrance of your vagina and nothing can get in
Why don't we talk about painful sex?

It pains me that we don’t talk about this and that many healthcare professionals have had insufficient or no training in female sexual anatomy Female Sexual Pain Disorders.

If you are one of the thousands of women who have been told by their GP, Gynaecologist or health practitioner that


  • Everything looks normal
  • It’s all in your head
  • You need to use more lubricant
  • JUST RELAX more

If penetration is impossible. If sex really hurts and you talk to someone who makes you feel like it’s all in your head, like you’re just not trying hard enough, then their knowledge about why sex hurts isn’t good enough.

You and I both know how unacceptable this is. It’s scary to think that people don’t know about female sexual health. Unfortunately, feedback like this leaves you feeling like the problem is all in your head and that there isn’t much that can be done about it. So you go home feeling deflated and let down by the system.

I know that this affects your:
  • Self esteem
  • Your happiness
  • Your Sexuality
  • Your relationships
  • Your relationship with your body
  • Fear that your partner will leave you
  • Fear of the pain you are about to experience
  • You avoid intimacy
  • You avoid relationships
  • You can get very depressed
  • You get anxious and sad thinking about fertility issues
  • Discouraged that you can’t find the help you need
  • Exhausted
How Can Help - Work with Me

You will no longer feel like you are working on this alone.


I will not tell you that you are mad or crazy or that this is all in your head.


I will be there to support you as we work together to help you through the physical and emotional healing processes.


I understand how hard it is to talk to someone about this, how hard it is to disclose some of this stuff  because it is so personal.


I promise that I will not judge you.


This will be a safe space for you to vent and heal.


If you have never spoken to someone about any of this before but want to.


Please Contact Me if you have any questions

or you can go here to organise your first session.


I look forward to meeting you.


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