- More connection before sex
- More intimacy
- More touch before sex
- More foreplay
Have you heard them?
Have you tried to do the things that they have suggested?
Did you do it a few times and then stop or have you continued?
DO YOU BELIEVE that MORE TOUCH, INTIMACY AND FOREPLAY can improve your sex life?
Do they tell you that they feel unheard.
Like you don’t care about their sexual needs and desires.
That it feels like sex is all about you and that you don’t care about them?
Do they tell you to just hurry up. As if to say that they just want to get it over and done with.
Yeah that’s not a good sign.
Engaging in the about might not improve things for you, but they can completely transform your partners pleasure and sexual experience.
Isn’t that why you want your penis to be larger?
When your partner gives you the ingredients for better sex, don’t ignore them.
You need to work on two things
- Your anxiety about the size of your penis and how that impacts you
- Work on the things that you change